Award Winner's Webinar: Bacton Combined Outfall
The North Norfolk coastline has undergone progressive coastal erosion, the cliffs are made of soft deposits, mainly sand and soft clays, which are very vulnerable. The Bacton Gas Terminal is situated on the North Norfolk coast with infrastructure near the cliff edge, within the cliff and under the beach. The Bacton Gas Terminal infrastructure includes three existing outfalls that currently discharge below the low tide level. Implementing the sand scaping project would have buried the existing outfalls under approximately 6-7m of sand as well as significantly extending the location of low water offshore. Therefore, the extension or replacement to facilitate discharging beyond the extent of the sandscaping, was incorporated into the project scope to maintain the existing outfall discharges for the remaining life of the terminal.
The presentation will provide an overview of the project and the challenges with designing and installing pipelines around the existing infrastructure, shallow inter-tidal water depths and environmental constraints.