Factory Visit to Aliaxis

 Registration is closed for this event
The Eastern Branch of The Pipeline Industries Guild are pleased to offer a tour of the Aliaxis pipe manufacturing plant in Huntingdon.


A guided tour of the Aliaxis polyethylene pipe manufacturing plant at Huntingdon, address 33 St Peters Road Huntingdon PE 29 7DA.

The tour will be followed by the Branch Annual General Meeting at 17:00, please note that members of the Guild will take priorty bookings, early booking is recommended as numbers are restricted.

Please bring PPE, particularly safety footwear. In the interests of commercial confidentiality, the host company reserves the right to not include on the tour employees of competitor organisations.   


November 22nd, 2023 from  4:00 PM to  5:00 PM
33 St Peters Road
Huntingdon, PE29 7DA
United Kingdom