Consultants' Directory
DieDraw Ltd
Guild Representative: Mr Jim Smith
Phone: 0333 433 0478
- Materials selection
- Pipe design & engineering
- Pipe rehabilitation and repair
- Pipeline services
- Sewer repair
- Testing and Pipeline Replacement
- Trenchless technology and equipment
Innovation Centre
Innovation Centre
Ainslie Road
Hilligton Park
G52 4RU
United Kingdom
About the Company:
Die Draw Ltd is an award-winning technical consultancy with unrivalled experience in designing thermoplastic lining solutions for some of the most complex problems in the industry. The Die Draw process is an established, industry-proven process that maximises post-installation flow capacity, maximises lifetime of the pipeline, offers quantifiable savings, has reduced installation timescales, reduces disruption, and importantly, has significant environmental advantages including reduced CO2 emissions
Die Draw Ltd is an award-winning technical consultancy with unrivalled experience in designing thermoplastic lining solutions for some of the most complex problems in the industry. The Die Draw process is an established, industry-proven process that maximises post-installation flow capacity, maximises lifetime of the pipeline, offers quantifiable savings, has reduced installation timescales, reduces disruption, and importantly, has significant environmental advantages including reduced CO2 emissions