Consultants' Directory

VolkerTrenchless Solutions (VTS)
Guild Representative: Peter Guilliatt
Phone: 01772 759623
  1. Civil engineering contractor
  2. Contractor - pipe laying: offshore
  3. Contractor - pipe laying: onshore
  4. Contractor - utility
  5. Directional drilling and equipment
  6. Electric, Gas, water and telecoms installations
  7. Horizontal directional drilling
  8. Landfalls and shore approaches
  9. Moling
  10. Outfalls - construction
  11. Outfalls - design
  12. Piling
  13. Pipe jacking, ramming
  14. Pipe trenching and equipment
  15. Project feasibility studies
  16. Trenchless technology and equipment
  17. Tunnelling contractor, equipment
The Lancashire Hub
Preston City Park
Bluebell Way
United Kingdom
About the Company:
As a leader in the field of advanced underground drilling technologies, VolkerTrenchless Solutions, a joint venture between VolkerStevin and Visser & Smit Hanab, has delivered over 500 successful Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) projects.Its specialist engineering and delivery teams can offer reliable, solid trenchless solutions for your pipeline or cable route.