WEBINAR: Cork Lower Harbour Estuary Crossing Horizontal Directional Drilling Project
The Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project is being carried out on behalf of the client Irish Water, and aims to provide enhanced wastewater treatment through the development of new wastewater treatment infrastructure in the Cork region.
This presentation will focus on a key element of the overall project, namely the Cork Lower Harbour Estuary Crossing HDD Project. This vital aspect of the overall project provided the infrastructure required to link the upgraded and expanded collection network in Cobh to that in Monkstown via trenchless installation of 2No pipelines under the River Lee estuary, and provided a fully functioning controlled collection system capable of serving the combined sewerage needs of the overall catchment area.
The works required to deliver the project included the detailed design, construction, testing and commissioning of 2 no. 500mm OD SDR9 estuary crossing pipelines approximately 1,100m long, 2 no. 500mm OD SDR 17 rising main pipelines, a discharge chamber and utility diversions.
The presentation will cover topics such as the project background, project team, stakeholder engagement, contractual arrangements, HDD design, construction and installation.