William Johnston (Bolts and Gaskets) Factory Tour

 Registration is closed for this event
The Scottish Branch are delighted to have arranged a joint event with William Johnston who will host a tour of their gasket manufacturing facility and Scottish Water who will host a project presentation which will take place in Glasgow.


William Johnston will present and demonstrate their product offerings followed by a presentation from Scottish Water and their contractors on an update of one of their major pipeline projects.

1000 – Arrive Coffee/Breakfast Rolls

1030 – William Johnstone Presentation / Factory Tour

1200 – Lunch @ Scottish Water Office

1300 – Scottish Water Presentation

1400 – Scottish Branch in person Meeting

1600 - Close

As numbers are limited please note this event is only open to Pipeline Industries Guild members.



November 16th, 2023 from 10:00 AM to  4:00 PM
United Kingdom