Corporate Directory

Guild Representative: Mr Fabio Orlandi
Phone: 01332 258313
  1. Commissioning
  2. Condition monitoring
  3. Critical Component - testing
  4. Direct assessment
  5. Failure investigation
  6. Helium Leak Detection - equipment and testing
  7. Inspection equipment - internal
  8. Inspection of pipework
  9. Inspection of pipework, subsea
  10. Integrity and condition monitoring
  11. Laboratory services
  12. Leak detection
  13. NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)
  14. Network analysis
  15. Pigging - in-line inspection
  16. Pipe inspection services
  17. Pipe testing
  18. Pipeline inspection services
  19. ROV contractor
  20. Survey company - other
  21. Tank inspection
  22. Trenchless technology and equipment
Friar Gate Studios
Ford Street
United Kingdom
About the Company:
Pipe Inspection Products and Accessories PIPA is a UK based specialist technology provider for pipeline inspection, leak detection and cleaning techniques. PIPA is focused on innovative ways of improving pipe inspection and cleaning of pipelines, whilst the network remains in service. PIPA is the total solution for utility companies, consultants and contractors dealing in pipe infrastructure around the world. PIPA has many years of implementing pipe inspection techniques globally, and has realised a market for innovative products that are user friendly, robust and deliver cost and time savings on standard industry techniques and applications.