Corporate Directory

Waitings Ltd
Guild Representative: Adrian Ash
Phone: 07801 66 99 54
  1. Civil engineering contractor
  2. Consulting engineer - pipelines
  3. Contractor - pipe laying: onshore
  4. Contractor - utility
  5. Dredging
  6. Electric, Gas, water and telecoms installations
  7. Emergency response services
  8. Land drainage design and installation
  9. Landfalls and shore approaches
  10. Moling
  11. Outfalls - construction
  12. Pigging - utility
  13. Piling
  14. Pipe insertion
  15. Pipe laying
  16. Pipe laying - flexible
  17. Pipe transport
  18. Pipe trenching and equipment
  19. Pipeline services
  20. Pipework - fabricator, ducting, insulation
  21. Plant and equipment
  22. Pressure testing and sterilization
  23. Quantity surveying
  24. Route selection
  25. Sewer repair
  26. Trenchless technology and equipment
  27. Water and sewerage utility company
  28. Winches
Moss Road
CA10 3AL
United Kingdom
About the Company:
Established 1970 we have tailored our business to meet the fast moving and rapidly changing UK Civil engineering Industry. We pride ourselves on being able to meet the demands on any site which we operate in a safe manner. We have developed a reputation for providing a high quality service within each of the sectors we operate, this is achieved by operating the best of modern equipment available tailered to the disiplines in our portfollio, all backed up by our full time maintenance and fabrication teams. Recognising that employees are our most important asset, we have a dedicated team whose developments are actively promoted through training. This ensures that the professionalism associated with Waitings is maintained on every contract and monitored through our company accrediations. Our continuing success is due to the comprehensive solutions through effective works management. The services we can provide are • Strategic cross country pipeline delivery – turnkey • Streetworks pipeline delivery – All accredited operations • Strategic High Voltage cable connections – NERS accredited • All easement establishment and reinstatement • Pre earthworks/surface water management • Pre and post Pipeline Drainage remediation • Bulk Earthworks • Piling – Hired in or Contract with Movax technology • Dredging – from land or pontoon/Barge based – GPS Guidance