Corporate Directory

Mike Stratton & Associates Ltd
Guild Representative: Mr Mike Stratton
Phone: +44 7854 473 881
  1. Field-jointing systems
  2. Fittings - distributor, manufacturer
  3. Flange - manufacture, supply, fittings
  4. Pipe and fittings
  5. Pipe insertion
  6. Pipe laying
  7. Pipe laying - flexible
  8. Pipe manufacturer - flexible
  9. Pipe manufacturer - plastic
  10. Pipe rehabilitation and repair
  11. Pipe stockist
  12. Pipe transport
  13. Pipeline tools
  14. Plant and equipment
  15. Procurement
  16. Hydrogen
Riverside House
3 Place Farm
United Kingdom
About the Company:
Mike Stratton & Associates Ltd works closely with its clients to identify and exploit a wide range of commercial opportunities. The company assists businesses in aligning themselves with their key customers and suppliers, quickly responding to the trends and changes within the utilities market and the supply chain. Products such as power generation, gas turbines, compressors, renewable energy systems and large diameter PE pipe systems can be facilitated. Through associate businesses, Mike Stratton & Associates currently operates in America, Canada, Japan, India, Australia, South Africa, the European Union and the Nordic countries.