Corporate Directory

Guild Representative: Mike Troughton
Phone: 01223 89000
  1. Education and research
  2. Failure investigation
  3. Inspection of pipework
  4. Joints and couplings
  5. Laboratory services
  6. Materials selection
  7. Membership organisation
  8. NDE solutions
  9. NDT (including radiography)
  10. NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)
  11. Pipe testing
  12. Risk assessment
  13. Subsea components - testing
  14. Third party certification
  15. Welding management & development
About the Company:
TWI is a global leader in technology engineering, providing research and consultancy to its member companies. We have over half a century of experience in providing technical services, particularly to the oil and gas industry, including: structural integrity, materials performance and corrosion, non-destructive testing, welding engineering, failure investigations, training courses and software products. We focus our technologies and support on overcoming challenges of today and anticipated challenges of tomorrow, including deep water, arctic, subsea and downhole technologies, risk management, test methodology and procedure development. TWI provides member companies with full access to our unique range of facilities and expertise through consultancy, Joint Industry projects and Core Research projects, supporting throughout the project life cycle from the FEED stage through to installation, in-service performance monitoring and troubleshooting.