Wells to Glastonbury Pipeline Project

 Registration is closed for this event
The Wales and Western Branch of The Pipeline Industries Guild would like to invite you to attend a technical presentation on the Wells to Glastonbury Pipeline Project. The presentation will include details of why the project is required, the design challenges involved and the construction phase that is currently underway.


The Wales and Western Branch of The Pipeline Industries Guild are proud to host this presentation by Bristol Water and Lewis Civil Engineering. They will provide an overview of the project including how it came about, the challenges faced during design and progress to date in construction.
The project comprises the construction of an 8.5km 450mm HPPE water main between Wells and Glastonbury.

This project will ensure that 13,000 customers have resilience of their water by providing an additional route of supply to Windmill Hill Reservoir, maintaining supply to Glastonbury and Street at all times.


May 19th, 2022 from  4:30 PM to  6:30 PM
Bristol Water
Bridgwater Road
Bedminster Down
Bristol, BS13 7AT
United Kingdom