Consultants' Directory

Loughborough University
Guild Representative: Lan Haitao
  1. Horizontal directional drilling
  2. Joints and couplings
  3. Microtunnelling
  4. Pipe bursting, cracking
  5. Pipe jacking, ramming
  6. Pipe rehabilitation and repair
  7. Pipeline design and engineering
  8. Trenchless technology and equipment
About the Company:
Dr. Haitao Lan is a Lecturer in Infrastructure Engineering at the School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough University. Before this, he earned his Ph.D. at Queen's University (Canada) and conduct research on buried pipes as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. In 2019, he worked in a Geotechnical consulting company in Toronto. In 2020, he was a Research Associate at University of Cambridge then worked in Mott MacDonald. His main research interest includes: (1) Experimental and numerical analysis of interaction between soil and buried pipes (2) Design and investigation of installation, renewal and rehabilitation of buried pipelines. He has been involved in different projects related to buried pipes, which include: (1) Investigation of breakout force of pipes in sand and clay (2) Experimental and numerical investigation of corrugated steel reinforced HDPE pipe under deep burial depth. (3) Testing and analysis of PVC liners under simulated grouting pressure. (4) Longitudinal bending behaviour of steel pipes with simulated corrosion pits. (5) Study of the structural response of a lined-corrugated HDPE pipe and joint under differential ground motion. (6) Performance of jointed PVC water distribution pipelines. (7) Evaluation and comparison of different technologies on erosion voids near buried pipes. (8) Stability of horizontal boreholes during Horizontal Directional Drilling.