Corporate Directory

ULC Technologies
Guild Representative: DAVID MCLEOD
Phone: 0203 617 4586
  1. Dewatering
  2. Inspection equipment - external
  3. Inspection equipment - internal
  4. Inspection of pipework
  5. Joints and couplings
  6. Maintenance and repair
  7. Pipe location
  8. Pipe rehabilitation and repair
  9. Pipeline inspection services
  10. Pipeline rehabilitation and repair
  11. Services location
  12. Survey company - aerial
  13. Tank inspection
Unit 656 River Gardens
North Feltham Trading Estate
TW14 0RD
United Kingdom
About the Company:
ULC Technologies is a leading robotics, technology, and machine learning developer for the energy, utility, and industrial sectors, transforming the way that vital infrastructure is maintained and operated. ULC Technologies works hand-in-hand with companies to develop new technologies such as robotic platforms, inspection systems and machine learning, commercialise solutions, and transform those solutions to business-as-usual activities. Our diverse team of engineers, sensor scientists, and technicians provide end-to-end solutions for real-world applications across a variety of environments. The deployment of ULC’s robotic systems and inspection technology helps utilities lower operating costs while minimizing their impact on customers and the environment.