Corporate Directory

Guild Representative: Jeremy Few
Phone: 02076361531
About the Company:
Arup is an independent firm of designers, planners, engineers, consultants and technical specialists offering a broad range of professional services. We aim to help our clients meet their business needs by adding value through technical excellence, efficient organisation and personal service. We provide the engineering and related consultancy services necessary to every stage of the project, from inception to completion and after. Throughout the world we aim to provide a consistently excellent multi-disciplinary service, which also incorporates our concern for the environment. Arup is committed to sustainable design, to its increasing incorporation in our projects and to industry-wide sustainability initiatives. Arup is a wholly independent organisation owned in trust for the benefit of its employees and their dependants. With no shareholders or external investors, the firm is able to independently determine its own priorities and direction as a business. Arup works across all areas of the energy sector, on both supply and demand, providing strategic advice and technical services to clients around the world. Arup’s combination of technical, financial and commercial expertise presents clients with a clear path from energy theory to practical application, including maximising finite resource value through efficient and appropriate usage, identifying cleaner energy resources, and balancing security of supply with environmental aspects and affordability.