Corporate Directory

GMC Utilities Group Ltd
Guild Representative: Mr Gerry McCloskey
Phone: +353 1 864 9800
  1. Cathodic protection
  2. Civil engineering contractor
  3. Commissioning
  4. Compressor and pump station design
  5. Condition monitoring
  6. Consulting engineer - pipelines
  7. Contract Administrator
  8. Contractor - pipe laying: onshore
  9. Contractor - utility
  10. Data logging and transmission
  11. Dewatering
  12. Directional drilling and equipment
  13. District heating
  14. Electric, Gas, water and telecoms installations
  15. Electrical systems design
  16. Emergency response services
  17. Field-jointing systems
  18. Flow measurement
  19. Geophysical and geotechnical services
  20. Heat exchangers
  21. Horizontal directional drilling
  22. Hot tapping, plugging, isolation
  23. Hydrostatic testing
  24. Land drainage design and installation
  25. Landfalls and shore approaches
  26. Leak detection
  27. Leak Detection - equipment and testing
  28. Level gauges and indicators
  29. Lining equipment/contractor
  30. Maintenance and repair
  31. Maintenance Management
  32. Metering and regulator station design
  33. Metering systems
  34. Meters and metering systems
  35. Microtunnelling
  36. Moling
  37. NDE solutions
  38. NDT (including radiography)
  39. NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)
  40. Network analysis
  41. Operation and maintenance consultant
  42. Operations management
  43. Pig - components and equipment
  44. Pig - consultant
  45. Pig - signaller design/supply
  46. Pig tracking and location
  47. Pig trap design/supply
  48. Piggable tee and flow diverter manufacturer
  49. Pigging
  50. Pigging - in-line inspection
  51. Pigging - industrial
  52. Pigging - utility
  53. Pigging services
  54. Pipe bursting, cracking
  55. Pipe cleaning
  56. Pipe design & engineering
  57. Pipe insertion
  58. Pipe inspection services
  59. Pipe jacking, ramming
  60. Pipe laying
  61. Pipe laying - flexible
  62. Pipe location
  63. Pipe rehabilitation and repair
  64. Pipe testing
  65. Pipe trenching and equipment
  66. Pipeline data management
  67. Pipeline design and engineering
  68. Pipeline identification tape
  69. Pipeline inspection services
  70. Pipeline integrity management services
  71. Pipeline management systems
  72. Pipeline Purging
  73. Pipeline rehabilitation and repair
  74. Pipeline services
  75. Pipework - fabricator, ducting, insulation
  76. Plant and equipment
  77. Pressure testing and sterilization
  78. Project feasibility studies
  79. Project finance
  80. Risk assessment
  81. Route selection
  82. Scour control & protection
  83. Services location
  84. Sewer repair
  85. Shaft-sinking contractor,equipment
  86. Telemetry equipment
  87. Temporary staff
  88. Testing and Pipeline Replacement
  89. Trenchless technology and equipment
  90. Water and sewerage utility company
  91. Water and wastewater treatment consultant
  92. Water jetting
  93. Water services
  94. Welding equipment/contractor
  95. Welding management & development
GMC House
Millennium Business Park
Cappagh Road
About the Company:
The GMC Group, made up of its constituent parts: GMC Civil and Mechanical Engineering Ltd, Gerry McCloskey Ltd and Gas Management Resources Ltd, provides a complete service and turnkey solution to the Utility and Civil Engineering industries. As one of the foremost utility companies in Ireland the Group has constructed major projects such as infrastructural projects, railway station platform extensions, water supply and sewerage schemes, gas network and distribution projects, sewer rehabilitation, electricity network enhancements, telecoms and broadband network projects. The group has recently completed the Commercial Smart Metering Project for the Greater Dublin Region. Following this the company now offers a full smart metering (AMR and Fixed Network) design and build service for all energy and water companies. Other recent projects include: The installation of 82km of feeder mains & 64km of distribution mains on the Bord Gais "GasWest" Project making natural gas available for the first time in many parts of the West of Ireland. Also recently completed was 190km + all associated downstream pipework on the Dublin Network Renewals Project, replacing all cast iron mains and metal service pipes in Dublin with polyethylene pipe. GMC have also completed a horizontal directional drill of 315mm PE80SDR11 pipe beneath the river Suir in Waterford of approximately 500m in length.