Winners: Large Diameter Pipeline Technology and Project Awards

Large Diameter Pipeline Technology Award


As with the subsea award, this award, introduced in 1996, is made annually for the most significant contribution made to land-based pipeline technology or its ancillary apparatus. The objective of the award is similarly to promote the development of new ideas in the general field of land-based pipeline technology.

2024 Winner:

United Utilities and Avove Utilities | Vyrnwy Aqueduct Modernisation Programme - Air Pig Technology 

2023 Winner:

Steve Vick International Ltd | Large Diameter PE Cutter 

2022 Winner:

Utility Innovations Services UIS | Valve Trak

2021 Winner:

 Ant Hire Solutions | Safety Application Monitor - Pipeline Flow Control

2020 Winner:

ControlPoint Ltd | Artificial Intelligent Inspection for Electrofusion of PE Pipelines

2019 Winner:

ROSEN | Pipeline DNA and Pipe Grade Determination

2018 Winner:

La Valley Industries | Tonghand Exit Side Wrench


Large Diameter Pipeline Project Award


The Land-based Pipeline Projects Awards were introduced in 2016 to showcase technical expertise, achievement and challenges overcome in delivery of land-based/onshore pipeline projects. Projects may be of any length, any diameter pipe or in any sector, including; renewables, unconventional gas, power and infrastructure. Land-based pipelines are those predominantly operating on land, and not underwater, but can include fresh water lake operations. Land-based pipelines are generally onshore large diameter pipelines and may include outfalls and infrastructure projects.

2024 Winner:

Northumbrian Water Group, Stantec and Mott MacDonald working with Farrans and FT Pipeline Systems | Tees and Central Strategic Transfer Mains 

2023 Winner:

Mott MacDonald Bentley | Horsley WTW Process Pipeline Connections 

2022 Winner:

FT Pipeline Systems & Innovex Technologies | Replacement of 36” gas main cast iron pipe through the heart of London using FTPS Pipeline Spacers

2021 Winner:

Irish Water & O'Connor Utilities Ltd | Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Scheme 

2020 Winner:

TPMD and Southern Water | Heading underground - upgrading Thanet's sewers

2019 Winner:

United Utilities | Heronbridge Chester Pipeline Project

2018 Winner:

STATS Group | World first: Leak-tight double block and bleed isolation of a high-pressure C02 pipeline to facilitate making a previously un-piggable line piggable


Land-based/Onshore Pipeline Concept Award

2020 Winner:

 Northern Gas Networks | H21