Large Diameter Pipeline Technology Award
As with the subsea award, this award, introduced in 1996, is made annually for the most significant contribution made to land-based pipeline technology or its ancillary apparatus. The objective of the award is similarly to promote the development of new ideas in the general field of land-based pipeline technology.
2024 Winner:
United Utilities and Avove Utilities | Vyrnwy Aqueduct Modernisation Programme - Air Pig Technology
2023 Winner:
Steve Vick International Ltd | Large Diameter PE Cutter
2022 Winner:
Utility Innovations Services UIS | Valve Trak
2021 Winner:
Ant Hire Solutions | Safety Application Monitor - Pipeline Flow Control
2020 Winner:
ControlPoint Ltd | Artificial Intelligent Inspection for Electrofusion of PE Pipelines
2019 Winner:
ROSEN | Pipeline DNA and Pipe Grade Determination
2018 Winner:
La Valley Industries | Tonghand Exit Side Wrench
Large Diameter Pipeline Project Award
The Land-based Pipeline Projects Awards were introduced in 2016 to showcase technical expertise, achievement and challenges overcome in delivery of land-based/onshore pipeline projects. Projects may be of any length, any diameter pipe or in any sector, including; renewables, unconventional gas, power and infrastructure. Land-based pipelines are those predominantly operating on land, and not underwater, but can include fresh water lake operations. Land-based pipelines are generally onshore large diameter pipelines and may include outfalls and infrastructure projects.
2024 Winner:
Northumbrian Water Group, Stantec and Mott MacDonald working with Farrans and FT Pipeline Systems | Tees and Central Strategic Transfer Mains
2023 Winner:
Mott MacDonald Bentley | Horsley WTW Process Pipeline Connections
2022 Winner:
FT Pipeline Systems & Innovex Technologies | Replacement of 36” gas main cast iron pipe through the heart of London using FTPS Pipeline Spacers
2021 Winner:
Irish Water & O'Connor Utilities Ltd | Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Scheme
2020 Winner:
TPMD and Southern Water | Heading underground - upgrading Thanet's sewers
2019 Winner:
United Utilities | Heronbridge Chester Pipeline Project
2018 Winner:
STATS Group | World first: Leak-tight double block and bleed isolation of a high-pressure C02 pipeline to facilitate making a previously un-piggable line piggable
Land-based/Onshore Pipeline Concept Award
2020 Winner:
Northern Gas Networks | H21